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Comunicação e Democracia em Debate: universitários do Brasil e da Alemanha desenvolvem exposição, podcasts e artigos


Produzido por Philipp Vogt, o podcast “Media Accountability” aborda definições e instrumentos sobre a responsabilidade social da mídia com foco na Europa e destaca as experiências do projeto Media Act por meio de uma entrevista com Tobias Eberwein, que foi coordenador científico do Projeto


Todos os conteúdos acima foram realizados na disciplina “Mídia e Democracia no Brasil”, sob responsabilidade dos professores Fernando Oliveira Paulino, da Universidade de Brasília, e Susanne Fengler, no Erich Brost Institute of International Journalism da TU Dortmund.




Communication and Democracy in Debate: students and lecturers from Brazil and Germany develop an exhibition, podcasts and articles


Produced by Philipp Vogt, the podcast “Media Accountability” is dedicated to definitions and instruments about media accountability with a focus on Europe and highlights the experiences of the Media Act project through an interview with Tobias Eberwein, who was scientific coordinator of Project (www.


All of the above contents were made in the discipline “Media and Democracy in Brazil”, under the responsibility of the professors Fernando Oliveira Paulino, from the University of Brasília, and Susanne Fengler, at the Erich Brost Institute of International Journalism at TU Dortmund.




Kommunikation und Demokratie in der Debatte: Studierende und Dozierende aus Brasilien und Deutschland entwickeln eine Ausstellung, Podcasts und Artikel


Der von Philipp Vogt produzierte Podcast „Media Accountability“ widmet sich Definitionen und Instrumenten zur Medienverantwortung mit Schwerpunkt Europa und beleuchtet die Erfahrungen des Media Act-Projekts durch ein Interview mit Tobias Eberwein, wissenschaftlicher Koordinator des Projekts (www.